It's a required component for Input Button to work properly. Must be instantiated in the scene tree directly. One instance is enough.


  • listening_wait_time - float : When listening for input, the time it takes for the received input to be confirmed.
  • listening_max_time - float : When listening for input, the maximum time the window will listen for input before it stops.
  • show_progress_bar - bool : Whether to show the progress bar under the listen for input button when listening for input.
  • btn_listening - String : Text displayed on the listen for input button when the window is listening for input.
  • title_listening - String : Window title when it's listening for input.
  • title_confirme - String : Window title when it's not listening for input.
  • timeout_text - String : Text displayed on the listen for input button when the listening times out.
  • already_exists_msg - String : Text displayed below the listen for input button when the received input already exists. You can use {action} as a placeholder for the action that has the conflicting input event.