Sets an input event of a specific input action (i.e. rebinds an input).


default/currentAn array that stores the input type and id. The array structure is [type, id].Array[int]: Read-Only
actionThe input action that holds the target input event.String: Read-Only
event_indexThe index of the target input event inside the input Read-Only
default_as_eventThe default value (an Array) as an InputEvent.InputEvent: Read-Only
current_as_eventThe current value (an Array) as an InputEvent.InputEvent

Type and ID

Type is the type of input event such as InputEventKey or InputEventJoypadMotion. GGS uses this to create the correct type of input event when loading the setting.

ID refers to the property that stores what the actual input is. For each event type, it's as followed:

  • InputEventKey: physical_keycode
  • InputEventMouseButton & InputEventJoypadButton: button_index
  • InputEventJoypadMotion: axis


As mentioned, it shows the default value as an appropriate InputEvent. This is always the same as the input event defined in the Input Map.

[!WARNING] The default_as_event property is read-only. However, you can still technically change it by using the "Configure" button when expanding the resource. Do not do this. If you want to change the default value, use the "Select Input" button at the top instead.


It shows the current value as an appropriate InputEvent. You can easily change this by expanding the resource and using the "Configure" button. You can also clear it and add another type of InputEvent (e.g. if it's an InputEventKey, you can clear that and create an InputEventMouseButton instead).

Unlike other current/default values of other settings, the current_as_event property is not updated from the save file every tick as this would prevent the user from changing the resource. Instead, it's updated every time the setting is inspected. So if the current_as_event does not reflect what the actual current value is, simply re-inspect the setting.

[!NOTE] The type of InputEvent you can create when setting current_as_event depends on the type of default_as_event. If the default is keyboard or mouse, then you can only create InputEventKey and InputEventMouseButton. If it's one of the gamepad events, you can only create a gamepad event.

[!WARNING] When configuring an InputEventKey, use "physical keycode". GGS does not accept "keycode" and "key label".