GGS comes with a set of prebuilt scenes known as component. You can instantiate them in any scene necessary.

Apply Button

Calls apply_setting() on all components that are in a specific node group.

Arrow List

A list that allows cycling through options using two arrows on the left and right. Compatible with int and bool settings.

Binary Selection

Consists of multiple components that all do the same thing. Checkbox, Switch, and Toggle Button are all binary selection components that simply toggle between a true/false state. Compatible with bool settings.

Input Button

Displays the current value of the assigned input setting and rebinds it when interacted with. Only compatible with settingInput (it technically handles Array since input events are serialized into arrays when saving them).

Several global properties can be adjusted in preferences.

listen_timeTime an input button listens for input. When this expires, it automatically stops listening for input.
accept_delayDelay before accepting the received input. Mainly used to give enough time to process modifiers for keyboard and mouse events.
If you don't plan to accept modifiers, you can set this to its minimum value. If you do, choosing a number that's too low may prevent the users from inputting a key with modifiers.
anim_speedThe button's text animation speed when it's listening for input. A higher value means slower animation.
default_glyphThe default glyph type that should be used when no gamepad device is connected or the device is not recognized.


You can view GGS preferences by opening the singleton scene (ggs.tscn) and inspecting the root (GGS).

Working with ggsGlyphDB

This is a custom resource that can be used to assign textures to mouse buttons and gamepad motions and buttons. It is highly recommended to create and save this on disk and use an AtlasTexture to define the individual textures.

The button shows glyphs that correspond to the currently connected gamepad device. If no gamepad is connected or the connected gamepad is not recognized, it uses the glyph type defined in default_glyph of preferences.

Option List

A drop-down menu that allows the selection of one option. Compatible with int.

Radio List

A group of buttons. Only one button can be selected at a time. You can add Buttons or CheckButtons to the active list. All buttons must have toggle_mode enabled. The index of the button node in the active list is the index of the option (e.g. the first button is 0, the second one is 1, and so on) unless option_ids is not empty. Compatible with int.

Reset Button

Calls reset_setting() on all components that are in a specific node group.


A slider for choosing a number in a certain range. Edit the child HSlider to edit range, step, etc. Compatible with int and float.


A text field that only accepts numbers. Edit the child SpinBox to edit range, step, etc. Compatible with int and float.

Text Field

A simple text field. Compatible with String.