A confirmation dialog that allows the user to choose an input. Required component for Input Button to function. Must be instantiated in the scene tree directly and one instance is enough. You don't have to instantiate it for every Input Button component you have.


listening_wait_timeThe time it takes for the input to be accepted when an input is received.float
listening_max_timeThe maximum time the window will listen for an input before it stops.float
show_progress_barWhether to show the bar under the listen button when an input is received.bool
btn_listeningText displayed on the listen button when the window is currently listening for input.String
title_listeningWindow title when it's currently listening for input.String
title_confirmWindow title when it's not listening for input and is awaiting confirmation or cancellation.String
timeout_textText displayed on the listen button when listening times out.String
already_exists_msgText displayed below the listen button when the received input already exists. You can use {action} as a placeholder for the action that has the conflicting input eventString