You can create your own custom settings and templates in GGS.

Setting up a Custom Setting

When you add a setting via the New Setting... field, you create a blank setting with no logic or properties. In order to use it, you need to set up it properly.

The value_type

To start, select your newly created blank setting. You may notice that the current and default values are null. This is because the value_type property has not been set. Open the Internals group and choose an appropriate value type for your setting from the drop-down menu. You can optionally choose value_hint and value_hint_string. These are used to customize the export behavior of the current and default values.

For example, if your value_type is float, you can set value_hint to be Range. And set value_hint_string to be 0,100. This will export default and current properties as a range between 0 and 100. For more information, view _get_property_list() and Property.Hint constants in the Godot docs.

Once you've set the value_type select the setting again to reinspect it. Now you can see the default and current value are exported correctly.

The Logic

To write the logic for your setting, you need to edit its script. You can do so by:

  • Either open the script property in the Inspector. Under the RefCounted category.
  • Directly open the script in the file system.

As you can see, there are a few prerequisites for the script. The script must:

  • Be a @tool script.
  • Extend ggsSetting.
  • Have a method called apply().

The apply() method is where your logic should go. It must take a value (the same type defined in value_type).

Here's a simple example of a VSync setting:

extends ggsSetting

func apply(value: bool) -> void:
	var vsync_mode: DisplayServer.VSyncMode
	match value:
			vsync_mode = DisplayServer.VSYNC_ENABLED
			vsync_mode = DisplayServer.VSYNC_DISABLED

That's the core of what you need to do. You can define variables, other methods, etc. in the script.


Creating a template is essentially the same as setting up the script of a blank setting. To start, create a script in your templates directory. The script must fulfill all three conditions explained previously but it has one additional condition:

  • The script must override the _init() method and set value_type and default in there. You can also set value_hint and value_hint_string if applicable.

That's the only additional criterion you have to keep in mind. Everything else is the same as mentioned previously.

Check out some of the predefined templates to see a few examples of what you can do.